

My name is Kim…

It was a lonely, sad, angry time in my life when my husband Charles died. My world came crashing down that December evening. 

I was a newlywed and new mom, a leader at work, an active community volunteer, friend to many, and physically healthy, but I felt worthless.

It took my family members and a few friends to express to me that I deserved support and encouragement to feel again. I sought our grief support and learned that I was actually worthy of so much in life, that I wasn’t being punished, that I wasn't a victim, and that I had nothing to be ashamed of.

it was something that happened in my life that was awful but did not have to define me as a person. 

I was a Worthy Widow.

If you are part of our group,  women who have lost a significant other and feel left and abandoned,  I want you to know you are worthy of having a wonderful, fulfilled, happy life again.

In my coaching I create a place to lift you up, help guide you through the inevitable storms, and truly understand what being this type of survivor truly feels like. 

 Are you still pushing forward in life?

Then you are a Worthy Widow.  I care.  You got this!